
History Minute: If you hear a fire siren …

There’s nothing that puts us all on edge than hearing a siren scream by on a quiet evening. Fire … something everybody worries about. Just imagine that frightening situation—AND—having no North Yarmouth Fire Rescue. That was the situation in 1944, when our town had no organized way to fight fires. […]

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History Minutes: Town Meeting

Sometimes there just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day. But today … with our beautiful snowscape and suspended activity, maybe you’ll take some time to sit down and enjoy a good read. Maybe just a short one. How about a History Minute? History Minutes are created by […]

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Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire!

Sure is cold out these days. And that brings to mind a winter-y story originally told by one of North Yarmouth’s best storytellers, Gordon Corbett in 2007. Gordon passed away in December, 2020, and we miss him to this day. New owners now live at 411 Walnut Hill Road (across […]

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Why it’s Happy Holidays for North Yarmouth Historical

This article appeared more than 10 years ago in the Gazette. As Hanukkah commences, we’d like to pay tribute to somebody who contributed in so many ways to North Yarmouth Historical, especially enlivening two of NYHS’s beloved annual events. Happy Holidays, everybody! . . . Joyce Gilbert, an extraordinary volunteer […]

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Christmas have you PANICKED?

We have a solution: Last Minute Madness Sale! Come over to the Wescustogo Community Center on Wednesday, December 21, 4-6 and pick up a copy (or a dozen copies) of The Town House Mouse … OR a North Yarmouth mug. We’ll also have copies of Around North Yarmouth, and North […]

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The Town House Mouse has Arrived!

The Town House Mouse! This fun and colorful book about Ike the Mouse has been in the works for several weeks. It was written by Dixie Hayes, illustrated by Sue Clukey, and designed by Katie Murphy. Read about a little mouse’s adventure as his life changes in a dramatic way! […]

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An Ode to the Stove

What’s the center of Thanksgiving activities? The kitchen, of course. (If you answered football … no pumpkin pie for you!) Here’s an essay written by Susie Doyle, who grew up in the house at 543 Walnut Hill Road, three doors up from Parsonage Road. She remembers that the kitchen, and the […]

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Marion: Fond Memories of a Hard Worker

Some were born and bred in North Yarmouth. Others got here just as soon as they could! We were lucky that Marion Goff made it here in good time, back in 1946. Marion Averill Goff passed away on October 30, 2022. She was 98. Growing up, Marion lived in Portland. […]

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Getting Our First Sidewalks: When Squeaky Wheels Worked!

Every couple of weeks at our Select Board meeting you get the chance to enjoy a History Minute. Initiated by Select Board Chair Brian Sites, North Yarmouth Historical has the opportunity to present some historical information about our town. Here’s some relatively recent history—about action that brought welcome change to […]

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Just for Fun: “Sweet … or Sweat”

Hey folks—how about a good story? This one originally appeared in a 2006 Gazette, and it’s a great summertime tale. Is it cautionary? You be the judge! * * * * * Sweet — or Sweat?  Why I Decided Not To Be a Farmer by Holly Hurd … and Earle […]

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