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Next Week!

                                    If you’ve driven by Old Town House in the last couple of days you’ve see the beginnings of the Big Move! Copp & Sons Building Movers of Cumberland have been at work. […]

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How Come?

Ever wondered about the history of Old Town House’s location?  NYHS’s video tells the tale! Produced by Greely Class of 2022 student Nora Dexter, it features images from the town’s past and helps us understand the tale of the building’s siting … past use …and future use. But if you […]

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Are We Ready? You Bet!

The big question around town is — when will Old Town House be moved? NYHS is waiting on pins and needles, too! If you have any kind of building or remodeling project going on, you’ll understand the challenge these days of the building industry boom … supply chain difficulties … […]

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Robert, Margaret, Hazel, and the Anderson family

A wonderful local connection has made our Old Town House project possible. Robert Anderson of Anderson Landscaping Inc. has generously donated the site work for Old Town House at the Village Center. Robert grew up right here in North Yarmouth and has been an active business owner and community participant […]

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What a great event on September 20 as we broke ground for our Old Town House project! The Forecaster’s online article said it all—and included some great photos as well. Take a look here and enjoy!

Video: Old Town House’s Past and Future

Thanks to the expertise of Nora Dexter, Greely Class of 2022, North Yarmouth resident and NYHS volunteer, Old Town House is showcased in this video. Enjoy vintage images, familiar scenes, and great local history. THANK YOU, NORA!

Lease Signed: North Yarmouth Historical and the Town of North Yarmouth

Above: NYHS Board members Mark Heath, Dixie Hayes and Katie Murphy, NYHS President with Chris Bolduc, North Yarmouth Interim Town Manager On Thursday, September 9, North Yarmouth Historical Board members met with Interim Town Manager Chris Bolduc and Draven Walker, Assistant to the Town Manager, to finally sign a lease […]

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Old Town House: BIG News!

Here we go: Into the Future! Since 2012 North Yarmouth Historical Society has worked toward the future of Old Town House, our town’s historic 1853 municipal building. Closed to the public for many years, this beloved building holds years of good memories and traditions. It’s time for a new phase […]

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Latest Gazette Just Out!

It’s out! Our May, 2021 Gazette is being distributed to members. Want a taste of this latest issue? Click here to see an excerpt. Want to be sure you’ll get this Gazette, and others to come? Join NYHS!