We are so sad to report the passing on April 19, 2024 of Joyce Gervais, longtime member, volunteer and champion of North Yarmouth Historical Society since its inception in the late 1970s.
Joyce was an essential part of our organization—she was one of those great people who pitched in to do whatever needed doing. Years later, her “fingerprints” are everywhere throughout NYHS’s collections. She brainstormed, planned, and helped organize the underpinnings of this 45+ year-old organization. She accessioned materials, typed, and transcribed. She teamed up to create the town’s first essential book of its history. And she was hands-on, always; she and Ed pitched in to lug boxes, paint, build, clean—whatever was needed. They were part of the enthusiastic group of volunteers who restored Old Town House back in the 1980s, and were there again when the building was moved to its new location in 2021.
Joyce and Ed were the dream team. Together, they extensively renovated the historic Bacon farmhouse on Gray Road, giving it the love and respect it deserved. And years ago, when the idea of moving Old Town House to a new location in North Yarmouth’s village center was first envisioned, Joyce and Ed were immediately enthusiastic. Joyce knew it would be an important opportunity for the organization she had helped to bring to life. And over the past four years, Joyce has been quietly there for us, through the challenge of a capital campaign and construction and restoration of this modest and beautiful old building. Now returned to community use, Old Town House is a tribute to Joyce and Ed’s persistent belief in community and love of history.
We have all benefited from Joyce’s energy, spirit, good humor, and wisdom. She’s left a legacy that will continue for a long, long time. Thank you, dear friend!